Idaho Whitewater Association Blog Categories access (4) Agriculture (9) Barber Dam (2) Barber Park (3) birds (23) boating (6) Boise River (42) Charlie Wood Park (3) City of Boise (26) Coordinating Team (6) Cottonwood Creek Project (5) Education (12) Expo Idaho (3) Fish and Aquatic Habitat (11) Fishery (13) Floodplains (9) Geomorphology (5) Green stormwater infrastructure (6) High water (10) History (4) Hyatt Project (10) Instream Habitat (12) invasive weeds (19) MIddleton River Park (5) Notch (1) plants (23) Recreation (15) Research (12) riparian (5) Riparian Habitat (25) River Access (4) Safety (4) Soil Health (4) Uncategorized (4) Urban (20) vegetation (16) Volunteer (29) Water Quality (20)