Habitat Enhancement at the Notch
The purpose of the Notch Habitat Enhancement Project is to improve the condition of 0.11-acre of floodway owned by the State of Idaho and managed by the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) along the Boise River in Garden City. The project aims to remove non-native and invasive species, plant and help establish native species, study different methods to remove invasive false indigo (Amorpha fruticosa) and determine the appropriate role for community volunteers. The Notch is easily viewed from the Greenbelt about 200 yards downstream of the Garden City pedestrian bridge on the north side of the river.
During 2020 and 2021, volunteers contributed over 200 hours to improve the riparian condition of the Notch including:
· Remove non-native seedlings/saplings of American elm, Tree of Heaven, silver maple,
bittersweet nightshade, and other non-native plants.
· Remove false indigo outside of study plots and treat with Pathfinder® II or Garlon® 4.
· Plant approximately 16 black cottonwood seedlings, two (2) large bushels of willow cuttings, 12
Wood’s rose, and one (1) Oregon grape.
· Wrap existing black cottonwood trees with wire. Many had been chewed down by beavers.
· Prune native trees and shrubs.
· Water planted vegetation weekly in the summer.
· Monitor, remove and treat with Pathfinder® II or Garlon® 4 (except control) false indigo within
study plots
Study Results Reported
The project was a learning lab with study plots established and different false indigo control methods methods employed. Read the project summary, the interim report and the BREN Blog to learn more.
Final Notch Habitat Enhancement Project Report
BREN Tackles False Indigo at the Notch